
Hochelaga, Land of Souls
Will the forgotten village be found? Delve into the past, eons before the Canadian state.
In Montreal after a heavy rain, a football match is taking place. Suddenly, the field collapses, revealing a massive sinkhole underneath. Mohawk archaeologist Baptiste Asigny begins his excavation at the sinkhole in search of any trace of the village of Hochelaga where explorer Jacques Cartier arrived in 1535. Through the course of his research, Baptiste discovers vestiges of generations upon generations who lived on this very land. What will Baptiste find at the end of this journey into the distant past where his own roots lie?
監 督 François Girard
出 演 Samian, Vincent Perez, Raoul Trujillo, Wahiakeron Gilbert
Canada| 2017| 100min| ENGLISH| | Les Films Séville|
- ヒューマンドラマ

François Girard [Film Director]
François Girard is from Quebec, Canada. Known for his versatility, he has directed not only films but also opera and stage productions. With feature films including Thirty Two Short Films About Glenn Gould (1993), which won four Genie Awards, and The Red Violin, winner of the Academy Awards for Best Original Score, Girard has firmly established his position as an internationally renowned director. Having worked as a director for Zed, Cirque du Soleil’s highly acclaimed resident show in Tokyo, and the stage play Ryōjū (The Hunting Gun) starring Miki Nakatani, Girard has a long-lasting relationship with Japan as well. Hochelaga, Land of Souls is Girard’s second film to appear in Kyoto HISTORICA Film Festival after Silk (2007) based on the best-seller novel of the same title.