About Us

Kyoto Historica International Film Festival is the film festival centered around the topic of “history”.
We aim to revive jidaigeki (Japanese period films) and history films rooted in the cultural assets nurtured through the long history of Kyoto, to propel their progress across the boundaries of media formats and national borders (cross-media / cross-border), and to open up new business opportunities. The festival is also filled with ideas and opportunities to cultivate a new generation of talent in the industry.
While Historica usually takes place around late October to early November, this year’s 13th festival is scheduled between January 22nd and 30th to ensure safety and security for the participants amid the pandemic. Like last year, we will be holding screenings both in theaters and online. The online screening system is polished up based on our experience and know-how from last year.
With the motto of “Reaching for the future through history films”, we will continue to strive for a festival that can attract even more people and contents to foster new filmmakers and film lovers.
Kyoto HISTORICA International Film Festival Committee
Chairman Isao Takeda
President & Representative Director, Shochiku Studio Co., Ltd.
Life as depicted in history films bears similarities to life amidst this pandemic. In a society where there are things money can’t buy, people young and old work daily to protect the places they belong to. Everyone fears the encroaching threat of the plague, but still share everyday laughter and tears. Through the past couple of years, there would have been many who found films to be emotional pillars. Even in this pandemic, everything goes on – history films, HISTORICA, and life – always accompanied by tears and laughter.
Kyoto HISTORICA International Film Festival Committee
Program director Ken Takahashi
Manager of sound stages, Production services Dept, Kyoto Movie Studios, Toei Company, Ltd.
General Information
Name: The 13th Kyoto HISTORICA International Film Festival(KHIFF)
Dates: January 22th – January 30th, 2022
Venues: The Museum of Kyoto, Online (https://historica-kyoto.com/2021/)
Hosted by: Kyoto HISTORICA International Film Festival Committee
(Kyoto Prefectural Government, The Museum of Kyoto, Toei Company, Ltd. Kyoto Movie Studios, Shochiku Studio Co., Ltd., Toei
Kyoto Studio Co., Ltd., Iwamoto Metal Co., Ltd., Directors Univ,inc., Ritsumeikan University, )
Co-hosted by: KYOTO CMEX Executive Committee
Sponsors: TESPAC Co., Ltd. Mitsui Garden Hotel Kyoto Shijo TOYOSU Co., Ltd.
With the Association of: Kyoto Crossmedia Promotion Agency Italian Cultural Institute in Osaka
La Biennale di Venezia-Biennale College Cinema Cineteca di Bologna La Délégation générale du Québec à Tokyo
Presented Under the auspices of: Motion Picture Producers Association of Japan, Inc. Foreign Film Importer-Distributors
Association of Japan Motion Picture and Television Engineering Society of Japan Inc.
Supported by: Japan Arts Council