
TIFF@京都ウィーク 開催!KHIFF to Co-host “TIFF @ Kyoto Week”!
特別講師として今年『淵に立つ』を手掛け、カンヌ映画祭の「ある視点部門 審査員賞」を受賞した深田晃司監督を含む、東京国際映画祭の日本映画スプラッシュ部門審査員3名が、世界42ヶ国247名の中から選ばれた40名の若手クリエイターにむけて、熱弁を振るい、世界に羽ばたく後押しをするとともに、講師と若手クリエイターの交流を図り、未来につながるネットワーク形成を目指します。
今年は、さらに両映画祭の連携を強化し、アジア全域版・アカデミー賞「アジア・フィルム・アワード(AFA)」にて受賞・ノミネートされた作品を上映する「アジア・シネラマ-アジア・フィルム・アワード・アカデミー フィルムロードショー」を、京都ヒストリカ国際映画祭の開催期間(2016年11月2日〜11月13日)に実施することになりました。
※アジア・シネラマ-アジア・フィルム・アワード・アカデミー フィルムロードショー
-アジア・フィルム・アワード・アカデミー フィルムロードショーの詳細はこちら
The Kyoto HISTORICA International Film Festival (KHIFF) is collaborating with the Tokyo International Film Festival (TIFF) once again this year. TIFF’s Japanese Cinema Splash jury members will join our workshop as lecturers, and there will be screenings of AFA-winning films, the pan-Asian equivalent of the Academy Awards!
KHIFF and TIFF are joining forces for TIFF @ Kyoto Week. The program will include a workshop for aspiring filmmakers, and screenings to introduce prominent Asian films in Kyoto.
To support young creators, the 9th annual Kyoto Filmmakers Lab will offer Masters Session lectures featuring special guest speakers, as it did last year. The guest lecturers include director Koji Fukada, whose latest film, Harmonium, brought him the Jury Prize in the Un Certain Regard section of the 69th Cannes Film Festival; and three Jury members from TIFF’s Japanese Cinema Splash. They will give illuminating speeches to 40 young filmmakers selected from 247 applicants from 42 countries. The lectures will encourage participants to aim high for the future and will offer opportunities to establish valuable contacts through interactions with the speakers.
The three lecture sessions, including the above, will be open to the public and we encourage everyone to come along and hear from some of the leaders of the international film industry.
This year, the two film festivals will strengthen their relationship and hold Asian Cinerama – Asian Film Awards Academy Roadshows, which will screen selected award-winning and nominated films from the Asian Film Awards (AFA) during the 8th Kyoto HISTORICA International Film Festival, taking place from November 2 -13, 2016.
TIFF and KHIFF will combine forces to help elevate the popularity of cinema in Japan, and to provide young creators from around the world with excellent growth and networking opportunities.
* Asian Film Awards Academy (AFAA)
2013, three main Asian film festivals, including the Busan, Hong Kong and Tokyo International Film Festival, joined together to create the non-profit organization, AFAA, which aims to promote and develop Asian cinema and its talents. The AFA Academy highlights, strengthens and develops Asian film industry and culture through the annual Asian Film Awards, year-round initiatives, such as masterclasses, screenings, and professional development and mentorship programmes, and strategies for building regional and international audiences.
*Asian Cinerama – Asian Film Awards Academy Roadshows
This program is one of the AFA Academy’s major international film tours, presenting outstanding Asian films to audiences in different parts of the world. This year, five nominated and award-winning films from the Asian Film Awards (AFA) will be showcased at KHIFF, accompanied by after-screening talks with the renowned film talents
→Asian Cinerama:Asian Film Awards Academy Roadshows