
A vibrant musical drama honoring female composers forgotten in history
The story takes place in 1800 at an orphanage near Venice. Teresa, the maid of the orphanage, is always quiet and alone. People assume that she is mute and do not even know her name. However, when a concert is held to welcome a new pope, the young women’s musical talents flourish – including Teresa’s. The film is the first feature by Margherita Vicario who is also known as a singer-songwriter and actor. Despite being her debut film, Gloria! was selected for the Competition section of Berlin International Film Festival 2024.
Director Margherita Vicario
Actor Galatea Bellugi, Carlotta Gamba, Veronica Lucchesi, Maria Vittoria Dallasta
Italy| 2024| 106min| International sales: Rai Cinema|
- Human Drama

Margherita Vicario [Film Director]
Margherita Vicario was born in 1988. She studied acting at the European Academy of Dramatic Art in Rome while also debuting as a musician with her 2014 album Minimal Musical. Her bachelor’s thesis looked into the use of popular music in Berthold Brecht’s political theater. After graduation, she studied Dalcroze eurythmics which is an educational method that focuses on nurturing children’s innate musicality through rhythmic movement. In 2021, she released her second music album Bingo. Gloria! is her first feature as a film director.