
And then comes nothingness.
During a turbulent age, a hunter-gatherer man who lost touch with nature meets a cow. With this cow that can be likened to a mirror-image of himself, the man becomes a farmer and cultivates the land. They silently watch, mark, and return to their connection with all that lives – trees, water, wind, mist, soil, and fire. Lee Kang-sheng, known for his appearance in the works of Tsai Ming-liang, plays the farmer, while Min Tanaka appears as a zen monk. The film also features music by Ryuichi Sakamoto who had decided to participate in the production before his death. Inspired by the zen art of Ten Bulls describing different stages towards awakening, Tetsuichiro Tsuta (The Tale of Iya) shoots this film partly with 70mm films, a first for Japanese narrative features. Savor a journey towards “nothingness” charted with stunning visuals. The film is featured in Tokyo International Film Festival 2024’s “Asian Future” Section.
Director Tetsuichiro Tsuta
Actor Lee Kang-sheng, Fukuyo(Ox), Min Tanaka, Ryubun Sumori, Kei Takei
Japan・Taiwan・USA| 2024| 114min| ALFAZBET, Moolin Production, Nikonikofilm|
- Human Drama

Tetsuichiro Tsuta [Film Director]
Tetsuichiro Tsuta was born in Tokushima in 1984. In 2013, he produced and directed The Tale of Iya, a film situated in the Iya region of Tokushima. Shot entirely in 35mm color film, the feature received much attention and was screened in many film festivals including Tokyo International Film Festival. It also won the grand prix at the Tromso International Film Festival which was a first for a film with a Japanese director. Additionally, in a 2020 list titled “The best Japanese film of every year”, The Tale of Iya was named as the British Film Institute’s 2013 pick.